ERF Newsletter September 24

Dear European rangers,

Two months ago, we remembered the rangers around the world who have died in the line of duty. On World Ranger Day 2023, among the 148 officially known names with a number of unreported cases that is probably many times higher, was that of Juan Pedro de la Cruz Sagredo, a Spanish ranger who died in a flood during service.

Given this tragedy, we are even happier to report on his two daughters this month: Carmen and Rosario enjoyed a stay with ranger families from the UK, taking part in the kick-off of a holiday programme for orphaned ranger children between the Spanish ranger charity AMINTA and the British ranger association CMA. Read about how this came about and the adventures they had with their hosts. 

We hope that there will be many more ranger family to ranger family visits like this! Would you like to host an orphaned ranger child or have ideas on including other parts of Europe in this programme? Please get in touch:

Pushing what ‘Rangers helping Rangers’ is all about is also the aim of our Ranger Leaves programme. So far, thanks to the efforts of our Board members, in particular Finance Officer Michael Großmann, we could enable rangers who lack financial resources to participate in international ranger exchanges or finance logistics for ranger equipment donations. Let yourself be inspired by these examples and start your own fundraising campaign by using our Ranger Leaf flyer!

Also inspirational is the advisory board of nature users, which the Dutch rangers ask for their opinion before taking major measures. Read about this intriguing way of involving people in nature conservation in our interview. 

Plus: Our Ranger training on SMART to use the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool in cooperation with SMART Partnerships starts today with more than 20 participants from all over Europe and the world! Learn about what they can expect and first impressions.

Wishing you an insightful read and commemorating the fatal fate of ERF ranger Ohad Yahalomi, now being held captive for one cruel year

Urs Reif, President of the ERF

Postscript to the World Ranger Congress

Very soon many of us – but sadly not all that wanted – will finally meet in Hyères, France, for the World Ranger Congress. With all issues for discussion on better communication or planning, this congress will finally again offer the possibility for many, many rangers to meet face to face. Due to the quota setting of the IRF all regions are now able to participate in an adequate manner. And I personally think, enabeling places for our brothers and sisters from other regions is worth some fewer European Rangers. If it counts ... We are still a big majority on the congress. And for those not able to join this year: We will happily welcome you at the European Ranger Congress next autumn!! Again a great chance to meet face to face within Europe.   
At the upcoming WRC, the Regions of the IRF have time to meet and greet and also discuss. So if you want to bring in topics to this meeting for discussion or for information about what is happening in your country please let us know as soon as possible. We left some open room for unknown topics in the agenda. Please contact

Ranger orphans hosted by Ranger families

The Spanish ranger charity AMINTA, through our Training Officer Borja Díaz and our former Vice President Ian Brooker, contacted the British Countryside Management Association CMA to see if British ranger families would take in the daughters of the fallen Spanish ranger Juan Pedro de la Cruz Sagredo, Rosario and Carmen, in a premiere for a Ranger Orphan Holiday programme. And they did: Mark Baker and Raf Wane decided to do so with their families. Read what the two UK rangers and Ian Brooker as liaison officer report about the premiere and what wonderful experiences the families had with their host daughters!

Waiting list for Ranger orphan programme

The president of the Spanish ranger aid organisation AMINTA is convinced that the holiday programme for orphaned ranger children will continue. At least he knows of other children who would love to take part. We hope with them that even more ranger families will be enthusiastic about the premiere of the programme!

Dutch Rangers balance crowds and nature  

For a population of around 18 million plus countless tourists and a growing need for nature, there is just 10 percent natural area in the Netherlands, says Mark Kras. The ranger from the Dutch Forestry Commission works mainly in a forest area in the middle of The Hague. He talks about the innovative ways in which he and his fellow rangers try to reconcile the crowds of people and nature conservation by involving them, how he personally sees his role as a ranger and why he would like to see better staffing for his job in the Netherlands, also as a prerequisite for more international exchange. 

Helping Rangers to help Rangers: Ranger Leaves sponsorship

Thanks to all the sponsors who have contributed to our Ranger Leaf donation programme to date, we could enable rangers to participate in international exchange or bring over equipment unaffordable due to lack of funding. The sponsors also encourage us in our work. Because they prove that there is an understanding in society of the important role rangers play worldwide in saving the livelihoods of all living beings. Find out about the motivations of the donors, the background to the programme and how you can use it yourself to raise funds for rangers in need – for yourself or others! Download our flyer and contact us if you have any questions:

SMART Training: taking protection monitoring to the next level

Our ranger training in co-operation with SMART Partnerships on the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting tool (SMART) starts today in North Macedonia. Over the next five days, more than 20 rangers and conservation experts from around a dozen countries in Europe and around the world will learn in lectures, case studies and practical field exercises how to use this tool to systematically improve their patrols for effective nature conservation. The participants will return home with the ability to measure trends in wildlife populations, patrol effort, poaching pressures, and other threats by knowing how to configurate, adapt and implement this tool to support protected area management and conservation activities.


IRF World Ranger Congress

Only one week to go until the 10th World Ranger Congress of the International Ranger Federation (IRF), organised by Gardes Nature de France (GNF) and taking place under the motto ‘Empowering Rangers Globally to meet the 30 x 30 Challenge’.

  • 7 to 11 October 2024
  • Bélambra Clubs ‘Les Criques’ in Hyères, France
Please take note of the Press Invitation and forward it to all known representatives of the media and spokespersons of nature conservation NGOs!

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