ERF Newsletter April 24

Dear European rangers,

It may seem like nothing special to you. But every day you work to protect nature or help people reconnect with it is of great value to our entire society. I realised this once again when I took a look at a recent study on the results of biodiversity research. Its message: we know enough to combat the ongoing mass extinction – now is the time to act by implementing conservation strategies and by engaging people for the urgent change.

This is exactly what all of you do every day. I was therefore all the more pleased that this important role of rangers is also recognised by the more than 60 international scientists who compiled their research for the ‘10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science’. We spoke to two of them about the most important action points and the role of rangers. Their conviction: Rangers not only convey information, but also connect people with nature through emotions – and thus win them over to species conservation on a deeper level.

Emotions and knowledge: this is also what the protagonists of our new ‘Two rangers, two projects’ bring together. One by caring for water buffaloes that protect wetlands and win the hearts of visitors, the other by investigating the motives behind poaching in order to better protect wildlife from this crime. Step by step, we want to show the enormous range of contributions that rangers make to preserving a planet worth living on. Let us know what projects you or colleagues are pursuing:

The Rangers from Greifensee in Switzerland have already writte to us: By sending us a letter for their fellow rangers presenting their work, they provided excellent contact points for networking among the ranger community. Talking of networks: We look back on our Rewilding training, which led to continuing exchange, and what participants took away. Meanwhile we are working on the next training for ERF rangers and conservation managers on using the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART). Details below!

Finally, I would like to remind one sad time more of the terrible fate of our member, Israeli ranger Ohad Yahalomi and his family: 7 months since his kidnapping and still no news!

Wishing you an exciting lecture

Urs Reif, President of the ERF

Biodiversity needs action and rangers

We know enough about how we could stop the biodiversity crisis. Now we urgently need to put it into practice. This is what Cornelia Krug and Mats Nieberg say, two of the scientists involved in the recently published study „10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science“. They talk about the most urgent action points and how rangers are an important link, whether it is incorporating knowledge and needs of indigenous and local communities, the views of the general population and decision-makers or creating deeper understanding of nature. 

Researching crime and preserving wetlands

Combating environmental crime and preserving wetlands: Two more projects that show how crucial the work of rangers is for planetary health and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)! Our new “Two Rangers, Two Projects” presents Fermín from Spain, who is writing his master’s thesis on green criminology alongside his ranger work in order to better understand and prevent environmental crime. And Kris from Sweden is preserving ecosystem services in a restored wetland with water buffaloes. A real crowd puller to push education about the importance of wetlands!

Greifensee rangers present their profile

Working together for humans and nature: This is not only the motto of the rangers from the Swiss lake Greifensee. It is also the goal of so many rangers around the world. The Greifensee-Foundation Rangers invite you, the international ranger community, to network. By sending us a letter for you, they show their profile: Environmental education, working with junior rangers, habitat protection and maintenance, visitor management and wildlife rescue are just some of their topics.

Learning at eye-level on rewilding & conflicts

High input for the rangers who took part in our Rewilding and Human-Wildlife conflict training in Romania end of March. We took a look back: What do the participants from all over Europe take home with them, what expectations led them to our training, organised locally by the Romanian Rangers Association and protected areas of Romania, supported by Rewilding Romania, WWF Romania and Foundation Conservation Carpathia? We have collected a few voices and report on the training.


SMART Training for Rangers

Save the Date: ERF and SMART Partnership cooperate to train ERF rangers & conservation managers from 30.09 to 04.10.2024 to

  • use cutting-edge technology for wildlife monitoring and reporting
  • build up conservation capacity by presentations, case studies and practical field exercises
  • establish a global network of SMART conservation experts

The training will be held in English and requires basic computer literacy; inscription fee: 100€

Venue: Congress Centre of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Ohrid, North Macedonia

Send Expression of Interest using the subject "EOI SMART" to so that we can send you the link to the registration form as soon as it is online.

Detailed information will also follow on our channels!


IRF World Ranger Congress

The 10th World Ranger Congress of the International Ranger Federation (IRF) will be hosted by Gardes Nature de France (GNF) on the theme "Empowering Rangers Globally to meet the 30 x 30 Challenge".

Website, registration and accommodation booking are now online. Check out the congress website for all informations.

Volunteers are needed to help with the on-site organisation! If you are interested, please contact


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