Following the premiere of the holiday programme for orphaned ranger children between the Spanish ranger aid organisation AMINTA and the British ranger association CMA, we asked AMINTA President Antonio Gutiérrez Sánchez about the background and further planning of the programme.
How did the idea for the programme, in which orphaned children of rangers visit the families of rangers in the UK, come about?
The idea was proposed to the CMA colleagues by the Basque ranger Borja Díaz. Once it received approval from the English rangers, we began to develop the programme jointly. The offer was warmly received by both our association and the families benefiting from it.

Is this idea also available to other countries?
From AMINTA’s perspective, there would be no problem with that, as our families are delighted with it.
Are there any plans for a return visit by the children from the UK ranger families?
The Spanish family conveyed the invitation, as they remain in close and friendly, almost familial contact.
Which experiences do you hope the children will have in this programme?
To meet young people from other countries whose families are rangers, just like their own, and to see that the stewardship of natural values and this way of life is something common among all of them.
What feedback have you received so far?
Very positive. In fact, other orphans are eager to be included in future exchange programmes, which will hopefully be repeated in the coming years.
Have further visits by orphans of rangers been planned?
No new possibilities have been offered yet. However, given the success of the project, it is surely imminent. We at AMINTA are ready for when it happens.
You are interested in hosting orphaned ranger children? Please get in touch:
Header photo: Spanish ranger orphan Carmen with her British host family from ranger Raf Wane