ERF Ranger Stories: How Rangers deliver on planetary health
What global environmental strategies pile up a lot of paperwork on, rangers put into practice day after day: 
The protection of biodiversity, life on land and in water, quality education for sustainable development and much more.

We would like to read, see and hear your ranger stories: Briefly describe your story of ranger work below: This can be very small things out of your daily work for biodiversity, environmental education or other ranger duties to protect  nature and reconnect people to it. You can upload your corresponding photos or video here or send it to us by e-mail:!

We will successively publish your submissions on our channels. And thus ensure with a united and ever louder voice that rangers are heard as the voice of nature!
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First name
Last name
E-mail address
Description of the photo or video content: Please tell us in some sentences about the story behind your shot
Description of your work setting: in which protected area and country do you work as ranger and with which main tasks?
Name and description of your employing organisation
Please upload your photo or video with your full name in the filename

Submit your photo in our upload-form (Google account necessary)

or send it to (please do not send files larger than 10 MB). 
Are you in possession of all copyright rights to the photo/video and do you agree to its transmission to the ERF for its channels? *
Declaration of consent
I agree to the European Ranger Federation using the submitted photo and the information provided here on all its channels in connection with presenting rangers' stories on how they contribute to sustainability.
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